Department News

Home Fire Safety Tips

The Baltimore City Fire Department believes rural and urban fire problems can be reduced by teaching people to recognize the hazards.

Safety tips for Seniors

Of all Americans, one of the greatest groups at risk for dying in a fire is people over the age of 65.

Media Inquiries

The Director of Communications & Community Engagement serves as the BCFD Spokesperson and responds to all media requests and inquiries.

Holiday Safety Tips

As we enter the holiday season, the Baltimore City Fire Department would like to share these reminders to ensure a safe holiday season.

Mobile Integrated Health Community Paramedicine Program Launches to Advance Healthcare in West Baltimore

The Baltimore City Fire Department launched Mobile Integrated Healthcare – Community Paramedicine, a new healthcare delivery model.

Media Center

The Baltimore City Fire Department and the Mayor's Office of Cable and Communications have partnered together to create fire safety videos.

Hurricane Safety

The city is asking people living in hurricane-affected areas to stay tuned to the Emergency Alert System for any instructions from the city.

Maryland New Smoke Alarm Law

Maryland Law requires ALL Maryland residents to have 10-year lithium battery tamper resistant smoke alarms with the silence on every home's level.

Fireworks Prevention

Decades of tragic experience prove that fireworks are too dangerous to be used by amateurs.

Grill Safety Tips

As we prepare for grilling season, the members of BCFD would like you to have a fun, yet safe holiday.