Public Education and Awareness 

About Us 

The Public Education Team is a dynamic group of professionals dedicated to educating the Citizens of Baltimore City. Our motto is: The first step to prevention is educations . We understand that every citizen and business in Baltimore city benefits from our collective knowledge and understanding of Fire prevention to prevent tragedy. We are available for community event, schools  and business needs with programs to address the various needs of the community. 


Fire Prevention Class 

We provide Life Safety education the third Saturday of the month provided there are at least five people in attendance. The goal of the Life Safety class is to provide education to all ages on life safety practices in the home and in the community. Topics such as Exit Drills in the home, Get Out Stay Out, and the dangers of Carbon Monoxide are covered in this very interactive class. Persons interested can sign up online. 


Inspector Detector 

Inspector Detector is our school age program that has been run in a collaborative effort with Safe Kids for over 20 years . This program is aimed a providing children in grade 1st thru 3rd  5 fire safety principles, such as Safe Meeting Place, When to call 911, Tools vs Toys , Stop Drop and Roll and how to call 311 for a smoke alarm. Schools can contact the Office Of the Fire Marshal for more info and to place themselves on the list of schools participating.This program runs the second Thursday of the month October through April. 


Car Seats 

Car Seat Installation is a collaborative effort between Baltimore City Fire Department and KISS (Kids in Safety Seats). Installations are done by appointment on the First Friday of the  every month at Old Town Fire Station. Please call Safe Kids Baltimore at 410-328-7532 for an appointment or email 


Storytime with a Fire Fighter 

Our Program for preschool and kindergarteners is Story Time with a fire Fighter.  This program is aimed at the very young combining story telling with demonstrations of how firefighter get into their gear. Day care centers and preschool programs require more than just a tour of the Fire Engine. This program is designed to teach young children to not be afraid of Fire fighters and addresses their learning of Community helpers. 


The quarterly newsletter from the desk of the Fire Marshal to address frequently asked questions and current Fire Safety information. The newsletter addresses the information that is pertinent to the community and business owners alike.