How the Bid Process Works in Baltimore City 

Per the Baltimore City Charter, all bids made to the City in response to the formal advertising procedures for materials, supplies, equipment, services, or public works, or for any other purpose will be opened by the Board of Estimates. Here is the process: 


All Formal bids must be received by 11:00 a.m. on the date advertised. Late bids will not be accepted. 

Mailing Address 

City of Baltimore 
c/o Office of the Comptroller 
204 City Hall 
100 N. Holliday Street 
Baltimore, Maryland 21202 

Hand Delivery: Vendors may hand-deliver bid packages to the Office of the Comptroller at the above address. All hand-delivered packages must meet the submission deadline. 


Bids are publicly opened at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays when a regular meeting of the Board is scheduled. Members of the public can attend in person at the above address or watch live on CharmTV. 


After the conclusion of the opening, bid results are posted on the Comptroller’s website by close of business on the day the bids are opened. 

Public Review

Per Baltimore City’s Procurement Regulations, interested parties may review copies of opened bids in the Office of the Comptroller (address above). Bids may be viewed by appointment only and must be scheduled 24 hours in advance. To schedule an appointment email to and include the following: your name, your company's name, your phone number, and solicitation number. 


All bids are sent to the procuring agency and if necessary, the Law department for review and recommendation. The agency submits the recommended award to the Board of Estimates for consideration. 

Send all questions about bid specifications, evaluations or award specifications to the agency soliciting the bid. The Comptroller's Office cannot and does not respond to questions about bid qualifications. 

To schedule a time to review a bid, please email In your message,