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Executive Office & Clerk to the Board of Estimates

Clerk to the Board of Estimates

City Hall - Room 204

100 N. Holliday St.

Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-396-4755

Accounts Payable

401 E. Fayette St., Baltimore MD 21202 

Phone: 410-396-1980

Department of Audits

City Hall - Room 321

100 N. Holliday St.

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Phone: 410-396-4783

Fax: 410-545-3961

Department of Real Estate

City Hall – Room 304

100 Holliday St.

Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-396-4768

Fax: 410-528-1437

Municipal Post Office

100 Guilford Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-545-3007

Department of Telecommunications

217 Redwood Street, Suite 1100

Baltimore, MD 21202


Public Information Act Coordinator for Comptroller's Office:

Geoff Shannon
Dep. Director of Communication
100 N. Holliday Street, Room 204
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-387-5704