Our office works tirelessly to provide information in a timely manner through press releases, posting on social media, and communicating with the media.

For Public Information Act requests, media inquiries or other public requests, please contact Geoff Shannon, Deputy Communications Director at 410-387-5704 or geoff.shannon@baltimorecity.gov

Please find up-to-date information on our Facebook, Threads and Instagram.

Quarterly Reports for Public Information Requests

Starting November 1, 2023 and moving forward, Public Information Act requests sent to the Baltimore City Office of the Comptroller will be published in a quarterly report and made available on the office’s website. 

The Comptroller’s Office committed to this level of transparency in its January 2021 transition report (pg 26) based on a recommendation from good government advocates.

This policy will include all Public Information requests from the media, public, business and government entities, and cover all available responsive documents from the departments of the Office of the Comptroller and Board of Estimates meetings.

The quarterly report will include the name of the requesting entity, item requested and fulfillment status. Individual requester names will not be listed. Individual residents will be designated 'Member of the Public.'