


  • Release: Overtime Payment Settlement Announced for Office of Comptroller Employees
  • Statement: Comptroller Henry Celebrates a Year of Accomplishments and Accountability
  • Release: Audit Finds DHCD Is Improving How It Tracks Vacant Housing and Contracts
  • Release: Comptroller’s Office Saves Baltimore $2.4 Million in Modernization
  • Release: Board of Estimates Proposes New Governing Regulations
  • Release: Audit Recommends New Procedures, Accounting for BCFD’s Fire and Special Events Programs
  • Release: Comptroller’s Office Implements New Audits Callback Policy
  • Release: New Development for Former Dr Roland N Patterson Senior Academy
  • Release: Comptroller Henry's Remarks at 9/21 Plastic Bag Press Conference
  • Statement: Comptroller Henry on New Real Estate Software
  • Release: Comptroller Henry Names Andy Frank Real Estate Officer
  • Statement: Comptroller on BPD Supplemental Appropriations
  • Release: Statement on BPD Contract Funding for Marketing Campaign
  • Statement: Comptroller Henry on Voting Against the 2022 CY Active Employee and Retiree Health Insurance Rates
  • Press Release: Comptroller Bill Henry on City worker Health Care Mandate
  • Release: Statement on Office of the Inspector General Advisory Board
  • Release: Baltimore Announces City-Wide Real Estate Process Review
  • Release: Mayor, Council President, and Comptroller Urge Governor to Reverse Halting Federally Funding Unemployment Benefits
  • Release: Comptroller Henry's Statement on Travel Regulations
  • Release: Board of Estimates Approves Abstention Policy; Notes MOED Audit
  • Advisory: Comptroller Henry to Hold Press Avail at 1pm
  • Release: Comptroller Henry Announces New Enforcement for the 1% for Art Program
  • Release: Comptroller's 101 Day Status Report
  • Press Release: Comptroller Henry Hires Andy Frank as Deputy Director of Real Estate
  • Release: Comptroller Henry Releases 2021 Audit Plan
  • Release: Comptroller Henry Announces the Retirement of Walter Horton
  • Release: Comptroller Henry Introduces Legislation
  • Release: Comptroller Henry’s Transition Team Releases their Report
  • Press Release: Acting Solicitor Shea's Travel Guidance to Comptroller Henry