If you're a interested in becoming an

Election Judge, please fill out the 

Online Election Judge Application 

The public safety election judges

Our Election Judges at Public Safety.

Seeking Volunteers

The City of Baltimore is seeking volunteers to work the 2024 Election Cycle at Baltimore City Polling Places. Volunteers will be paid by the Board of Elections $250 - $325 for working at a poll.

Enlist By E-Mail

Email Us

*Be sure to include your name, address, daytime phone number, and other contact information

Download Election Judge Application

Qualifications For Election Judges

  • Must be at least 16 years old or older
  • Must be a registered voter in Maryland
  • Must be able to speak, read and write the English language

Additionally, you cannot be an election judge and a:

  • Candidate or currently hold a public or political office, including State and county political party central committees; or
  • Chairman, campaign manager, or treasurer for a political or candidate committee

There Are Four Types Of Election Judges:

Voting Judges:

Responsibilities include: assisting in opening the polls; verifying the Voter Authority Cards; monitoring activity around the scanning units; explaining the process to the voters; directing voters to the scanning unit; checking the Voter Authority Card and signing it before Ballot is inserted into Scanning Unit; assisting in the closing of the polls; and completing any other duties assigned by the chief judges.

Check-in Judges:

Responsibilities include: assisting in opening the polls; verifying voters’ information in the precinct register using the electronic poll book; issuing Voter Authority Cards; issuing correct ballots; checking voter identification for certain first-time voters; referring all problems to the chief judges; assisting in closing the polls, and completing any other duties assigned by the chief judges.

Provisional Ballot Judges:

Responsibilities include: assisting in opening the polls; providing a voter with a provisional ballot application and ballot; assisting a voter, when necessary, with the completion of provisional ballot forms; ensuring the security of all provisional ballot materials (voted and unvoted); assisting in the closing of the polls; and completing any other duties assigned by the chief judges.

Chief Judges:

These are the supervisory officials responsible for ensuring an orderly election. They have many varied responsibilities including checking the polling place prior to election day; planning the setup and flow of the polling place; assigning work to other election judges; supervising the opening of the Ballot Marking Device, Scanning Unit; explaining how to use the Ballot Marking Device and Scanning units; reviewing the specimen ballot with voters; substituting for election judges when necessary; completing all necessary paperwork; maintaining the peace and protecting the integrity of the voting process; making all necessary telephone calls to the local board of elections; posting precinct voting totals; closing the polls; and returning the supplies, as a bipartisan team, to the office.

Term Of Office

The term of office for an election judge is approximately two years and ends thirteen weeks before the 2026 Gubernatorial Primary Election. You are expected to serve as an election judge for all elections held during that period. This may include special elections that are called during the two-year term of office.


*Compensation will be mailed 6-8 weeks after Election Day

  • Chief Judge: $325.00
  • Check-in, Provisional Ballot, and Voting Unit Judge: $250.00

Each Judge works as part of a team including one Democratic Judge and one Republican Judge. If you would like additional information concerning Election Judges, please call the Election Judge Recruiters at (410) 396-5580.

Mandatory Training Class

You are required by law to attend a training class and to serve on the day(s) you are assigned to work. You will receive compensation of $50.00 for attending the training session; however, you MUST work both the primary and the general election to receive this compensation.

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