Get the answers to important questions regarding voting and elections in the city of Baltimore.

When May I Register To Vote?

  • You can register to vote year-round. Except, 21 days before and 10 days after an Election. Applications will be accepted but not processed during the above-mentioned times.

Where Can I Obtain A Voter Registration Application?

You may download a form from the State Board of Election Website. 

Voter registration applications received while the voter rolls are closed are processed when voter registration reopens.

Your Ward/Precinct and polling location can be found on your voter registration card. If you do not have your card and need further information you may call the Baltimore City Board Of Elections or the jurisdiction in which you live and have registered to vote.


The voter notification card includes your name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.

Voter Registration Applications can also be obtained at:  

  • The Baltimore City Board of Elections Office   
  • Local Post Offices 
  • Libraries   
  • The Motor Vehicle Administration 
  • City Government Agencies
  • All Public Assistance Offices
  • Any Office Providing State-Funded Programs

If I Am Not Able To Go To The Polls On Election Day, How Can I Vote?

Due to illness, school, work, vacation, etc. you may be unable to appear in person at the polls, you can apply for a Vote By Mail ballot or go to any early voting location in your jurisdiction during early voting.

How Do I Change My Address, Name, Party Affiliation, Or Update My Record?

As a registered voter you are obligated to keep your voter registration records current. All changes must be in writing. All changes can be made at any time when the books for registration are open. The registration books are closed on the twenty-fourth day preceding an Election and reopen on the eleventh day following that election. (§ 3-302 of the Registration and Election Laws of Maryland.)

Registration is permanent as long as you keep your registration records current in the jurisdiction in which you reside. A Voter Registration Card will be mailed to you after the Board of Elections has received and processed your application or any changes to your name, address, or party affiliation.

This card will reflect your Ward and Precinct, Congressional, Legislative, and Council Districts, and a polling location. To receive a duplicate card, you may request one by visiting the  State of Maryland's website's Voter Lookup page and request a duplicate voter registration card.  If you choose to come into the office to pick up a duplicate voters card, you must bring in a current ID and arrive between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm.

How do I update my name and address?

You can use Maryland's Online Voter Registration System (OLVR) to update your name and address or you can notify the local board of elections where you currently live if your voter registration information has changed. If you complete a change of address form at the MVA, this information will be sent to your local board of elections for processing, unless you indicate that you do not want to change your voter registration information. You can also send changes on a voter registration application or on any signed written notice.

If you do not receive a Voter Notification Card with your updated information three weeks after you submit information, you should contact the local board of elections where you now live to ensure that your records are up-to-date. You can also verify whether the local board of elections has your new information by visiting our voter service website.

What should I do if I move to another county within the State or to Baltimore City?

You can use Maryland's Online Voter Registration System (OLVR) or immediately provide your new address to the local board of elections in your new jurisdiction. 

What Do I Do To Become A Voter Registration Volunteer? 

Voter registration distributors offer people the opportunity to register to vote, distribute voter registration applications, assist people with completing voter registration applications and return completed applications to the county election office.

To be a voter registration distributor, you must be 18 years of age or older. You will receive training on how to complete Maryland's voter registration application and ensure that the application is completed and accurate and information about the State's identification requirements. At the conclusion of the training, you must sign an affidavit that you will act according to the training and regulations and will receive a certificate identifying you as a voter registration volunteer.

As a voter registration distributor, you must advise each individual that he or she has the option to return the application personally to the Baltimore City Board of Elections office or permit you to return the application on the individual's behalf and must return the completed voter registration applications promptly to the Baltimore City Election office. You may not receive compensation on a per registrant basis for voter registration activity.

If you are interested in serving as a voter registration distributor you and your group must be certified. 

You can do this at the Baltimore City Board of Elections Office Monday through Friday at 10:00 am or 3:00 pm. 

When the Registration Books are closed there is no voter registration training.

How Do I Become An Election Judge?

To become an election judge you must be a registered voter in the State of Maryland. Democratic and Republicans are accepted first. If the total number of Democrat and Republican Judges can't be fulfilled we will then consider Declines (Independents) and other registered parties to make the quota needed. You must be able to work at least a 14-hour day of work, read, write, speak, and understand the English language. You must also be willing and able to follow instructions concerning the election laws and the overall duties of manning a polling precinct.

The Election Judges who staff the polling places are a very important part of the electoral process. The Election Judges are responsible for administering the actual voting procedures in each precinct. Without these individuals, it would be impossible to conduct an election.

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*Be sure to include your name, address, daytime phone number, and other contact information

Online Election Judge Application

Election Judge Application Download