What Do I Do To Become A Voter Registration Volunteer? 

Voter registration distributors offer people the opportunity to register to vote, distribute voter registration applications, assist people with completing voter registration applications, and return completed applications to the county election office.

To be a voter registration distributor, you must be 18 years of age or older. You will receive training on how to complete Maryland's voter registration application and ensure that the application is completed and accurate and information about the State's identification requirements. At the conclusion of the training, you must sign an affidavit that you will act according to the training and regulations and will receive a certificate identifying you as a voter registration volunteer.

As a voter registration distributor, you must advise each individual that he or she has the option to return the application personally to the Baltimore City Board of Elections office or permit you to return the application on the individual's behalf and must return completed voter registration applications promptly to the Baltimore City Election office. You may not receive compensation on a per registrant basis for voter registration activity.

If you are interested in serving as a voter registration distributor, you and your group must be certified. 

You can do this at the Baltimore City Board of Elections Office, Benton Office Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 129 Monday through Friday at 10:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. (Note: No appointment is needed just please be on time.)

For a group of 10 or more, you can call to make a special appointment for evening training at the Board of Elections Office or at your church, community hall, etc. (When the Registration Books are closed there is no voter registration training.)  To make a special appointment, email the Baltimore City Board of Elections with the date, location, contact person, and phone number or fill out our Voter Outreach Form and return it via email or fax (410) 727-1775.

Voter Registration Outreach

Currenty we are not conducting voter registration outreach; however, if you are interested in doing in-person training or voter registration, please send an email to the Baltimore City Board of Elections.  We are available during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm).