How to Get a Parking Pad   

Interested in Installing a Parking Pad? Here is the help you need to get started. 
Fill out a Construction Permit Application, found on the Baltimore City Housing and Community Development website. The application must be submitted with site plans drafted by a licensed engineer. 

Note: Engineer’s certification is not required for plans associated with construction in single-family properties. A right-of-way permit issued through DGS is needed for the installation of the driveway apron. 

Each vehicle parking space must be at least 162 square feet (approx. 18x9), exclusive of access drives or aisles. Per the Zoning Codes of Baltimore City, §16-403. 

The alley or street must be at least 10 feet wide. Per the Zoning Codes of Baltimore City, §16-403.


You may use the following surfaces for paving: 
Asphalt, brick, concrete, macadam, or stone block. Per the Building, Fire, and Related Codes of Baltimore City (IBC) §3112.3  

The Baltimore Office of Sustainability suggests either ribbon driveways (aka Hollywood driveways) or pervious pavement. Ribbon driveways are two parallel strips of paving, leaving the area in between open for grass or pervious pavers.  
Pervious (Permeable) pavement, or paver blocks, may be used in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Maryland Department of the Environment and can be found in Chapter 5 of the Maryland Stormwater Design Manual


Baltimore has a three-tiered flat-rate structure for single-family properties parcels based on impervious surface. 

Impervious Surface Area (sq ft) 

Flat Rate/quarter 

< 820 sq ft 


820-1500 sq ft 


1500+ sq ft 


Your rate may stay the same or increase into the next tier depending on the amount of impervious surface that currently exists and how much will be added.  For pervious pavement/pavers, a credit may be given if approved by the Department of Public Works Plans Review and Inspections Section.