Signs and Zones: Tips for Parking on the Street  

We want parking to be easy for you in Baltimore City. But you do need to pay attention to parking signs and regulations. Here’s help understanding them, along with parking regulation forms you might need for yourself or your business. 

  • No Stopping: This means you can’t park your car or stop to make a drop off, pick up, or even load your car. You may see these signs at the end of the street to maintain sight distances for turning vehicles. 
  • No Parking or No Stopping:  In most cases, these are temporary parking rules. Follow them when you see them. 
  • No Parking (Driveway Posting): You’ll see this sign near a driveway. Don’t block the driveway with your vehicle or you may get a ticket, or worse, get hit by a vehicle entering or exiting the driveway.  
  • Truck Loading Zone: This helps businesses with their shipping and receiving needs during certain times of the day. This is for loading only, not parking.  
  • Passenger Loading Zone: This is reserved for the sole purpose of quickly picking up or dropping off passengers. If you need a Passenger Loading Zone sign in front of your residence, please complete this form.  
  • Reserved Parking for People with Disabilities: These spaces are for any vehicle that displays special, registration plates or blue placards for people with disabilities. This area is open to the use of the general public (designated at medical centers, nursing homes, and other public facilities). If you need a disability parking placard, visit the Motor Vehicle Administration.