
The U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is the only federal agency solely dedicated to the growth and global competitiveness of minority business enterprises.  Their vision is economic prosperity for all American business enterprises.

MBDA programs, services, and initiatives focus on helping MBEs grow today, while preparing them to meet the industry needs of tomorrow.

MBDA Banner

MBEs are fast-growing, innovative, and represented in every industry sector in the United States. MBDA promotes the growth of socially or economically disadvantaged businesses through the mobilization and advancement of public and private sector programs, policy, and research. Socially or economically disadvantaged firms directly contribute to the U.S. economy and account for the creation of millions of U.S. jobs.

 Minority Business Development Agency Advanced Manufacturing Center - Baltimore assists socially or economically disadvantaged manufacturing companies with consulting services, contract and financing opportunities, bonding services, building business-to-business alliances, global/ teaming/joint venture opportunities, and executive training. 

The Mid-Atlantic Region MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center – located in Baltimore, MD, partners with organizations in the Mid-Atlantic Region to deliver services. The Center is staffed by business specialists who help socially or economically disadvantaged businesses break into markets and access capital. Four centers, nationwide, are funded by the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.  

These centers and their strategic partners assist socially or economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs and business owners with consulting services, contract and financing opportunities, bonding services, building business-to-business alliances, global/ teaming/joint venture opportunities, and executive training. 

Our goal is to help our clients: 

  • Secure financial capital 
  • Identify contracting opportunities 
  • Categorize immediate and long-term business needs 
  • Provide group and one-on-one training and education 
  • Create and retain jobs. 

Office hours are available by appointment only by calling (443)-401-0242 


MiHub Logo

The MiHUB Cooperative was founded on the belief that for Minority Manufacturers to grow, they must embrace these technologies and be early participants in the Fourth Industrial Revolution through a cooperative business model. 

Manufacturing Innovation Hub Cooperative - The MiHUB Co-op provides access, education, opportunities, and shared infrastructure to increase the success of minority manufacturers in the advanced manufacturing industry.