Do you, a family member, friend, or neighbor need immigration legal services? Safe City Baltimore can help!

The Safe City Baltimore Fund was established by the Open Society Institute Baltimore (OSI) in partnership with the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MIMA) in 2017.

Safe City Baltimore expands services and resources in order to educate immigrant communities in Baltimore about their rights, provide access to lawyers for individuals with viable claims to remain in the United States, and connect individuals facing deportation with defense attorneys. Safe City Baltimore also coordinates existing pro bono resources to make these critical resources more easily accessible, all of which helps to #KeepFamiliesTogether in Baltimore.

While MIMA coordinates Safe City Baltimore, MIMA does NOT provide direct legal services. You can download more detailed information in English or in Spanish below, where you will find descriptions of the responsibilities of each partner organization and contact information for each organization. You can also print the 1-pagers below to distribute as flyers and help spread the word about Safe City Baltimore.