We want to hear from you! Speak to a live representative by contacting the Mayor's Office of Constituent Services at 410-396-4900.  

If you have a request for city services, call 311 or visit 311 Online to quickly resolve your question.

Send correspondence to:

Office of the Mayor

250 City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street
Baltimore, MD  21202

Fill out forms for the following:

Request for a Video Recording

Request a Photograph from the Mayor's Office

Request a Ceremonial Document from the Mayor

Request a Greeting Letter from the Mayor

Contact the Press Team

Bryan Doherty
Email: bryan.doherty@baltimorecity.gov

Request the Mayor for a Meeting

The mayor receives a large number of scheduling requests each day, so we appreciate your patience as we review your request. Please allow at least 5 business days for a response.

Please contact the Mayor's Office of Scheduling and Advance at 410-396-4889.

Request the Mayor for an Event

To request the mayor’s attendance at an event, please click here to fill out the request form. The mayor receives a large number of scheduling requests each day, so we appreciate your patience as we review your request. Please allow at least 5 business days for a response.

If you need help with this form, please contact the Mayor's Office of Scheduling and Advance at 410-396-4889.

Mobile Stage Request

Mobile Stage Request Form

If you would like the Mayor's Mobile Stage for your community event, please click here to fill out the form. This application must be received at least six (6) weeks before the date of your event. Your request will only be approved if the stage is available and payment fees are received before the event. If the stage needs to be delivered before the event date, use the delivery date as the Event Start Date. Extra fees may apply. 

Please Note: 

  • The Mobile Stage does not include a sound system.
  • A site plan illustrating the desired placement of the stage must be submitted with this form.
  • A list of all entertainment acts performing on the stage must be submitted with this form.
  • No glue, sticky tack, nails, or thumbtacks are to be used on the stage wall or doors.  3M Hanging Strips are allowed. 
  • The Mayor’s Mobile Stage is 28 x 15.
  • A representative from the Baltimore City Department of Transportation will contact you to schedule a site visit.

Important Contacts

Application and Availability Inquiries Ciara Wake Fees, delivery, and billing inquiries 410-396-1916 

Payment and Fee Structure

Payment must be made no later than three (3) weeks before the date of your event by cash, check, or money order payable to the Director of Finance and delivered in person to: 

Department of Public Works, Permits Office 200 N. Holliday Street Baltimore, MD  21202 

Mobile Stage Fee - $600 

Stage Delivery, Set-Up, Monitoring, and Security Fee - $75/hr 

Permit Fee

  • $50 if payment is made eight (8) or more weeks before the event
  • $65 if payment is made six to eight (6 – 8) weeks before the event
  • $80 if payment is made fewer than six (6) weeks before the event

Special Events Application Fee (You must submit a Special Events Application for Equipment if your event extends into the public right of way.) 

  • $80 if payment is made eight (8) or more weeks prior to the event
  • $125 if payment is made six to eight (6 – 8) weeks prior to the event
  • $250 if payment is made fewer than six (6) weeks prior to the event

Fire Department Special Event Fee $45 

IMPORTANT: The Mobile Stage will not be delivered if the application fee and mobile stage fee are not brought into the Permits Office. 

City Hall Dome Lighting Request

Lighting City Hall’s dome helps celebrate and build community spirit in Baltimore City.  When the dome of City Hall shines with lights, it makes our downtown area look even more beautiful. It's like a special symbol that makes the people who live here feel proud. It's also a piece of Baltimore’s cool history. 

Organizations can make requests to light City Hall’s dome based on the criteria outlined below.  We always try our best to make sure we can help with all the requests that fit the rules. But sometimes, if something big happens in our city, country, or the world, we might need to change the plans for the requests. 

All requests must be approved at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office of Special Events.  Click here to fill out the dome lighting request form.

Application Request Details 

  • Applicants must be not-for-profit and community-focused. Applications received must be at least 14 days before the requested light update.
  • Requests are processed in the order in which they are received and are considered on a case-by-case basis using the following criteria:
  • Supports a national or international event (such as Fourth of July, Valentine’s Day).
  • Supports a local festival or event that positively impacts local community spirit (such as Light City, AFRAM, Baltimore Ravens).
  • Supports a local, national, or international awareness issue that builds community or is related to community health (such as Heart Healthy Month, the Race for the Cure, or Awareness of Violence Against Women)
  • Acknowledges and welcomes visiting dignitaries (such as a visiting Head of State or Ambassadors from various countries) hosted by our city.
  • Multi-day requests may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office of Special Events

We reserve the right to deny requests.  Lighting requests will not be considered for: 

  • Personal or private occasions (such as birthdays or anniversaries)
  • Political events or observances
  • Religious figures, religious organizations, or additional religious holidays
  • Commercial purpose
  • Organizations or groups that are seen as inappropriate. offensive in nature, or who support discrimination, prejudice, violence, or hatred.
  • All City Hall lightings with be posted on our official social media accounts. All other forms of publicity are the responsibility of the applicant.
  • We will do our best to fulfill your color request, but the exact hue may not be possible. We will use the closest hue that we can achieve through LEDs. We cannot light City Hall with browns or blacks at any time.