Applications and Information

Persons interested in obtaining an alcoholic beverage license must file an application for transfer, for expansion or for a new license with the Board. Under state law, a notice must be conspicuously posted on the property for transfer of ownership, transfer of location, expansion and/or new license for 10 consecutive days. In addition, the Board is required to advertise the application in newspapers of general circulation.

When an application for transfer is of ownership only and the establishment is open and operating, the only issue before the Board is the question of fitness of the applicant. The question of public need and accommodation may not be considered by the Board. When the application is for a transfer of location, the premises has been closed for more than 90 days or involves a new license or expansion of an existing license, the question of public need and accommodation must be considered by the Board.

BLLC License Fees: [PDF] (Updated July 1, 2024)

License Application Packet

The license application packet lists all forms necessary to apply for liquor licenses in Baltimore City. These forms are also required for transfer, amendment and expansions.  All documents are included in PDF format and will open in a new window. The application packet is also available at the Liquor Board office.

* The application fee is $600.00, which includes the hearing fee.
* Hardship requests and requests to re-open require a $100.00 hearing fee with your request in order to be processed.

  • Checklist for Applicants [PDF]
  • Criminal Background [PDF]
  • CJIS Agency Privacy Rights [PDF]
  • Financial Information Form [PDF]
  • Liquor License Application (New/Transfer/Amendment/Expansion) [PDF]
  • Transfer Authorization [PDF]
  • Affidavit of Compliance [PDF]
  • Public Market Vendor Forms:
    • Cross Street Market [PDF]
    • Lexington Market [PDF]
CIAA Related Event Promoter's Permit

Created by SB792 during the 2019 Maryland Legislative Session, the legislation created a standard permitting process structure that allows the BLLC to issue permits to promoters that seek to hold coordinate social events that are open to the public related to the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association tournament (CIAA). These rules and regulations detail the authority of the BLLC to accept, review, process, and issue promoter permits to promoters or license holders within the City of Baltimore who wish to promote and sell tickets to at least 75 individuals for CIAA related events. The draft rules and regulations also outline all permits, fees, and penalties that promoters and license holders will be subject to if they wish to hold a Related Event during the CIAA Tournament. 

The CIAA Related Event Promoter's Permit application packet provides all necessary information to apply for a CIAA Related Event Promoter's Permit in Baltimore City. All documents are included in PDF format and will open in a new window. The application packet is also available at the Liquor Board office.

CIAA Related Event Promoter's Permit Application [PDF]
CIAA Related Event Promoter's Permit Rules & Regulations [PDF]

Pub Tour Promoter's Permit

A pub tour promoter or a participating license holder on behalf of a pub tour promoter shall obtain the permit from the Board before the pub tour promoter may publicize, sell tickets for, organize, operate, produce, or stage a pub tour. The permit authorizes the pub crawl promoter and participating license holders to conduct a pub tour. If a licensee desires to participate in a pub tour than it is obligated to ensure that all of the proper paperwork is filed by and a pub tour permit is issued to a pub tour promoter or a participating license holder on behalf of a pub tour promoter. Failure to ensure that a proper application was filed and pub tour promotor’s permit was issued could lead to fines, suspension, and/or a revocation of the licensee’s license for participating in a non-sanctioned pub tour.

  • Pub Tour Promoter's Permit – Frequently Asked Question Sheet [PDF]
  • Pub Tour Promoter's Permit [PDF]
Growlers and Wine Corkage

Refillable Containers (Growlers) Information

Effective July 1, 2012, the BLLC may issue a refillable container license to the holders of any class of alcoholic beverage license except Class “C” or Class MG (Municipal Golf Course) license to sell draft beer for consumption off the premises in a certain refillable container.

Wine Corkage

Effective July 1, 2012, the Board may authorize the holders of Class “B” restaurants and hotel licenses or Class “C” clubs licenses to allow a patron to bring wine onto the licensed premises. 

Below are PDF Information and Forms

  • Frequently Asked Questions – Growlers and Wine Corkage [PDF]
  • Application form Growlers and Wine Corkage [PDF]
One Day Licenses 

These licenses are issued for non-profit groups and associations and must be applied for at least (10) ten days prior to the event. More information on these types of license can be found on the forms and information included below:

  • One Day License – Frequently Asked Question Sheet [PDF]
  • One Day License Application Form [PDF]
  • One Day – Non- Profit Beer Festival  Application Form [PDF]
A-7 License 

Per Alc. Bev. Art. § 12-902.1, licensee(s) may request to exchange their current Class "BD7" Beer, Wine, and Liquor License with a Class "A-7"; 7-day Beer, Wine & Liquor (Package Goods) license if the license premises: (1) was issued on or before July 1, 2018; and (2) obtains approval by resolution of the Baltimore City Council.  There is an application and issuance fee of $100. 

  • A-7 License Application [PDF]
Substitute Applications

A substitute application is required to be filed when there are changes in the pertinent information contained in any application filed with the Board shall be reported to the Board in a timely manner. This includes, but is not limited to, a change of name, a change of telephone number, a change of address, a death of a licensee, dissolution of a corporation, an election or change of an officer or authorized person who is listed as an applicant or licensee. There is a $250 application fee and a $200 issuance fee.

  • Substitute Application Form [PDF]
Delivery Form and Application

All licensees desiring to deliver alcoholic beverages must complete a delivery registration form with original signatures of the licensees and they will receive a letter of authorization from the Board before deliveries may be made. Delivery approval will be noted on the license and there is a one-time fee of $50.

  • Delivery Form and Application [PDF]
  • Alcoholic Beverages Delivery Form [PDF]