This book is published by the Board of Liquor License Commissioner for Baltimore City to acquaint all licensees, their employees and the public with the Rules and Regulations governing the sale of Alcoholic Beverages at retail and the operation of Adult Entertainment Businesses.

Please study these rules carefully and make sure that all employees of the licensed establishment are familiar with them.   The board adopted new rules and regulations on April 18, 2024, and went into effect on May 3, 2024. All licensees and their employees adhere by these rules and regulations.

Rules and Regulations for the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City.  

English 2024 Alcoholic Beverages Rules and Regulations
     * Rule 2.16 Monetary Penalty in Lieu of Hearings
Korean 2024 Alcoholic Beverages Rules and Regulations
Spanish 2024 Alcoholic Beverages Rules and Regulations

English 2024 Adult Entertainment Rules and Regulations
Korean 2024 Adult Entertainment Rules and Regulations
Spanish 2024 Adult Entertainment Rules and Regulations

Licensee Information Packet (Updated 2024)

The following content can be resourced within Maryland Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Tax code and supplements the material found within the Rules and Regulations handbooks.

Bring Your Own Beer Policy
Employment of Minors Policy