What is an Inspector General Office?

It is an office promoting integrity in City Government by investigating complaints of financial fraud,  waste and abuse. 

What is Misconduct?

Misconduct is the intentional or improper use of government resources. Examples include misuse of position, authority or the misuse of resources such as tools, vehicles, or office equipment.

What is Confidentiality?

Persons who contact the Hotline may request confidentiality and can be assured that their identities are generally not revealed. However, your identity may be revealed if it is the only way to effectively investigate the alleged matter or as otherwise required by law. 

What is Fraud?

Any intentional deception designed to deprive the City unlawfully of something of value or to secure from the City for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration to which he or she is not entitled. Such practices include, but are not limited to, the offer, payment, or acceptance of bribes or gratuities; making false statements; submitting false claims; falsifying records and books of accounts; arranging for secret profits, kickbacks, or commissions; and conspiring to use any of these devices. The term also includes conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters.

What is Waste?

Financial waste is consider to be the extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Government funds, or the consumption of Government property that results from deficient practices, systems, controls, or decisions.

What Type of Complaints Do You Take?

The Office of Inspector General will consider all complaints of financial fraud, waste and abuse involving:   

  • Any City employee 
  • Any municipal officer, including all heads of City departments, agencies, bureaus, and all persons exercising comparable authority 
  • Any member of a City board or commission 
  • Any individual, organization, or business receiving City-granted funds or other benefits, including, but not limited to, loans, grants, tax credits, below market rate property transfers, tax increment financing, payment in lieu of taxes, or other City subsidies of any kind
  • Any individual, organization, or business providing goods or services to the City pursuant to a City contract
  • Any individual, organization, or business seeking certification of eligibility to provide goods or services to the City pursuant to a contract.

What Do You Do With a Complaint Once it Has Been Received?

Complaints and allegations received by the Office of Inspector General are analyzed to identify systemic issues affecting the City of Baltimore. We use this information when planning investigations and reviews. If the complaint or allegation does not fall under our jurisdiction, the information will be forwarded to the appropriate authority for their review and necessary action.

The information we receive is reviewed to identify systemic or criminal issues. The information we receive is reviewed and evaluated to determine if an investigation or audit is warranted.

We will investigate all allegations involving:   

  • Bribery or kickbacks
  • False claims
  • Misuse of position or resources
  • Theft
  • Threats of violence or assault
  • Violations of laws, regulations, or rules
  • Whistleblower Reprisal
  • Workers Compensation Fraud

Who Can File a Complaint and/or a Report?

We accept complaints and allegations of fraud from everyone, including employees, contractors, customers, and the general public.

Why Do I Need to Provide My Name?

The Inspector General relies on concerned employees and citizens to provide us with information regarding alleged waste, fraud, and misconduct in the City Government. We realize that you may wish to remain anonymous in submitting an allegation to us. However, your information is most useful to us if we can contact you by telephone or mail for additional information or, in some cases, if we can interview you personally. Therefore, we encourage you to identify yourself when you contact us.

What Should I Expect When I Call the OIG Hotline?

You will be connected with A Special Agent who will take your allegation by asking you a series of questions similar to the ones contained in the OIG complaint report form.

At times, due to call volume or scheduling an analyst will be unavailable to speak with you. You may leave a message and one of our staff will call you back as soon as possible.

How Do I File a Complaint?

Please refer to the File A Report section of the OIG page. Complaints can be received at any time via fax, e-mail, and voicemail. The OIG toll-free Hotline number is 1 (800) 417-0430.

Does the OIG Deal With Individual Issues?

The OIG generally does not handle individual issues, except for whistleblower reprisal complaints and related executive investigations. Other individual issues should be pursued through administrative processes available within the City, such as the EEO process, grievance procedures, etc.

When Should I Call?

Immediately! Disclosure should be made as soon as information is available.

Please note that each case is different so some reports/complaints may take longer than others.

General Questions

What if the Baltimore City OIG can't help me with my issue(s)?


How does the OIG handle all the complaints and what is meant by a referral?

If you have any questions, visit the OIG Public Feedback page and submit a question.