What We Do

The Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) mission is to make sure the City’s government works efficiently and honestly. We look for any wasteful spending, fraud, or wrongdoing. We help build trust between the public and the City government. Citizens deserve effective and transparent leadership, and the OIG helps hold the government accountable and improve its operations. 


The OIG Investigative Principle

Our main goal is to follow the evidence. The evidence might take us to unexpected places or confirm what we already know. Sometimes, it might not lead us anywhere. We never give up searching for the truth, but we never create evidence. We always follow where the evidence leads us. We seek the truth without bias, regardless of politics. This way, we can carry out fair investigations.

Office of the Inspector General Contact

Get In Touch

(443) 984-3690


City Hall, Room 635
100 North Holliday Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

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