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Baltimore City Public Ethics Law, contained in Article 8 of the City Code, applies to all City officials, employees, and lobbyists. The Ethics Law ensures that City officials and employees serve the public with fairness and impartiality by prohibiting “conflicts of interest,” among other provisions.

A conflict of interest occurs when a City official or employee’s duties could be used to privately benefit themselves, a family member, or an entity with which they or a family member are affiliated.

The Ethics Law requires many officials and employees to file annual financial disclosure statements in order to help them and members of the public identify potential conflicts of interest.

Use the links below to learn more about the Ethics Law and conflicts of interest. To ensure full compliance, always check the text of Article 8 and contact the Ethics Board for guidance.

Download an Overview of the Ethics Law

Restrictions on Participation

Read the Law

Employment and Financial Interests

Read the Law

Restrictions on Gifts

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Other Restricted Behavior

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Gift Acceptance Quiz

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Recusal Quiz

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