⬇  Download the Pre-Appointment Disclosure Form

All Baltimore City public servants are subject to the conflict of interest provisions established in Baltimore City Public Ethics Law, Article 8 of the City Code. Board or commission nominees may be exempt from the conflict of interest provisions outlined in § 6-11 of the Code if they hold the employment or financial interest at the time of appointment and if they disclose the interest prior to appointment.

In order to request a conflict of interest exemption, board or commission nominees must download and complete the Pre-Appointment Disclosure form. After completion, the disclosure must be submitted to the appointing authority for authorization. Once signed by the appointing authority, board or commission nominees must email the request to the Ethics Board here or mail it to:

Baltimore City Ethics Board
100 N. Holliday Street, Suite 635
Baltimore, MD 21202

To determine if you have an interest that may conflict with restrictions established by § 6-11 of the Ethics Law, review the Code, speak with your appointing authority, and/or contact the Ethics Board. See a summary of § 6-11 below.

Summary of Conflict of Interest Provisions

Article 8, § 6-11, contains a general prohibition against outside employment or interests that might conflict with one’s official duties. That section provides that a City employee or official (a “public servant”) may not –

  • be employed by or have a financial interest in any entity that is subject to the authority of the public servant’s agency (e.g., licensed or otherwise regulated by that agency); or
  • be employed by or have a financial interest in any entity that has or is negotiating:
    • a contract with, for the benefit of, or administered by the public servant’s agency, or
    • a subcontract on a contract described immediately above; or
    • hold any other employment relationship that would impair the public servant’s impartiality and independent judgment.

A conflict of interest exemption only applies to the provisions established in Article 8, § 6-11 and only if the interest or employment is disclosed prior to appointment. Additionally, the exemption is only available to board or commission nominees, and not to other City public servants. Board or commission appointees are never exempt from the provisions in § 6-11 after appointment, including if new types of activities arise out of the exempt-interest or employment.

Board or commission appointees should be cognizant of other conflicts of interest provisions, such as § 6-6 {“Restrictions on participation”}, from which they are never exempt.