Baltimore City hall roof

Occupational Safety and Health

Activities to eliminate potential risk for City employees via protocol compliance and administrative controls.

TEAMUP for Employee Safety and Health


The TEAMUP for Employee Safety and Health program is a coworker-to-coworker, volunteer-based initiative to protect City employees, especially from exposure to the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. This initiative is a key mission of OEM's Safety Program and critical to the City's fight against the pandemic. The City Safety Czar oversees the TEAMUP Program, which works on a variety of key challenges and opportunities addressing occupational health and safety. The program develops and implements effective responses for City services and addresses continuity of operations. The program is comprised of TEAMUP Liaisons (formerly Agency Safety Officers [ASOs]) from City agencies.

Employee COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ
Registration FAQ for COVID-19 Vaccinations
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Pause FAQ