When you receive an environmental citation, you have two choices: Pay or contest the fine. No matter which you choose, you must correct the violation. For more information, click on the following links below:

A. Pay the Fine

  1.  There are three options to pay:
    1. Mail a copy of the citation along with a Check or Money Order (please do not mail cash) made payable to:

      Director of Finance
      200 N. Holliday Street
      Baltimore, Maryland 21202
    2. Pay in Person at:
      Abel Wolman Municipal Building (200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202)
    3. Pay online 
      Please be sure to follow the payment instructions carefully to ensure that your transaction completes successfully. 
  2. Payment is considered an admission of liability. If you pay the citation ahead of the hearing, you waive your right to contest.

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B. Contest the Fine

  1. Request a hearing:
    1. If you have a carbon copy citation in a ticket format, check the box on the back of the ticket requesting a hearing and sign on the line next to the box; or
    2. If you have a printed citation from the Department of Housing and Community Development or the Baltimore City Health Department, look for the page that says “Return Form” in bold letters. Check the box for requesting a hearing, sign next to the box, fill out the contact information, and mail it by certified mail or email it; or 


    3. Make an online hearing request:  
  2.  Keep in mind:
    1. It may take four to six weeks before you receive a hearing notice from the ECB with the date and time of your hearing; and 


    2. Hearings are currently held via ZoomGov; however, you can request an in-person remote hearing where you would appear at the ECB and utilize our equipment.

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Important Information About Your Hearing

  1. Appearance at the hearing:
    1. If you are unable to appear at your hearing, you can be represented by an attorney or an authorized third party. You must authorize that third party through a notarized letter. 
    2. If the respondent is a business entity/organization, you must provide legal documentation that shows that you are affiliated with the business and have decision making authority.
    3. If the respondent is an estate (or is deceased), the personal representative must appear at the hearing with proof of their appointment.
  2. You have the right to present witnesses and documents at the hearing.
  3. Your failure to appear (or to appear without proper authorization) will result in a Default being entered against you with the risk of penalties accruing on a monthly basis, until it caps at twice the fine amount or $1,000, whichever is less.
  4. No postponements will be granted unless good cause is shown, in writing, to the Environmental Control Board, at least five (5) days prior to the hearing date. Supporting documents should be submitted whenever possible. Postponement requests should be mailed to the ECB at One North Charles St, 13th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201 or sent via email to the ECB inbox
  5. Payment is due after the hearing. 

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After the Hearing

  • The Hearing Officer may uphold the citation or dismiss the citation. Depending on their decision, they may uphold the associated fine, reduce the associated fine, or eliminate the associated fine. The Hearing Officer may also impose a $15 administrative hearing fee.
  • The Hearing Officer's decision will be memorialized in a written disposition, which will be mailed out to you.


  • You have a right to appeal the Hearing Officer's decision to the Environmental Control Board (ECB). If you decide to appeal, you must do so in writing within 30 days of the Hearing Officer’s decision.  If you are in need of an appeal, please contact the ECB for a copy of the appeal form and for appeal instructions.
  • Full board decisions on an appeal may be appealed to the Circuit Court of Baltimore City.

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