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BMORE Beautiful is a grassroots, peer-to-peer beautification program. The goal of the program is to not only change behaviors and attitudes towards the beautification of the City but to encourage residents, businesses, and organizations to become directly involved in activities and projects that will Keep Baltimore Beautiful…. block by block and neighborhood to neighborhood.

There are six elements essential to our approach: community organizing, seasonal community champions summits, community improvement projects, troubleshooting, communication, and education. 

For those new to the concept of BMORE Beautiful, the simplest way to BMORE Beautiful is to Take the Pledge! When you pledge to BMORE Beautiful, you can receive the following:

  • Reusable Bag
  • Retractable Trash Grabber
  • Puncture Proof Gloves
  • Safety Vest
  • Educational and Outreach Materials

These simple tools will help you connect with neighbors and maintain the cleanliness of your block.

In addition to our Clean Kit, BMORE Beautiful offers seasonal grant opportunities to support community beautification efforts. Grant opportunities offered by BMORE Beautiful include: 

  • Care-A-Lot Grant:  Supports community organizations able to mow and maintain up to 25 vacant lots in the City during the "Grow Season." (April-October)
  • Say YES (Youth Environmental Stewards): Supports community organizations looking to engage youth in the cleaning and beautification of their neighborhood. (Spring & Fall)
  • Love Your Block: Supports small block-level projects.  (Summer)

Become a Community Champion

If you and your neighbors are interested in taking a more active role in the beautification of your neighborhood, consider becoming a Community Champion. Community Champions are people who take a dedicated leadership role in the beautification of their neighborhood. They encourage neighbors to sign the pledge, organize beautification projects, and play an active role in the continued growth of BMORE Beautiful. 

If you would like to learn more about BMORE Beautiful or you would like to "Take The Pledge," please email us!