Theo Ngongang final

Theo Ngongang

Chief Operating Officer

About Theo Ngongang

Theo Ngongang joins DHCD as Chief Operating Officer (COO). As a trusted advisor to the Commissioner, Theo provides support and overall leadership to all deputy commissioners. 

A veteran of City Government, Theo brings more than 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors. Theo most recently served as Deputy Director and Chief of Policy for Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT), in charge of the development of the Capital Improvement Plan (BCDOT’s Capital budget). A member of the senior leadership team, Theo was responsible for setting the policy agenda for BCDOT. He managed several divisions, including planning, transit, sustainable mobility, citywide bike master planning and Complete Streets. Prior to that, Theo was Assistant Director for the Department of Planning (DOP), overseeing 4 divisions: Sustainability, Food Policy, Research and Strategic Planning and Community Planning. 

Prior to returning to Government, Theo was the Director of Design, Planning + Economics covering Maryland for AECOM, a large global consulting firm, specializing in designing, and building, financing and managing infrastructure projects around the world. In that role, he was responsible for business development, recruitment and marketing activities, with a focus on growing the urban planning practice of the firm in Maryland. In that capacity, he successfully secured and managed two planning contracts totaling over $500K 

Theo holds a Master in Public Administration (MPA) from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a Master in Urban Planning and Town Management (DESS) from Université de Paris-XII (Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris) and a Bachelor in Architecture (Diplome d’Architecte DESA) from Ecole Speciale d’Architecture in Paris, France. He serves on numerous boards and is a graduate of the Greater Baltimore Committee’ LEADERship program class of 2014. 

Theo is married to Marie-Josiane and are the parents to two college students. They reside in Baltimore, Maryland.