Scott Davis photo

Scott Davis

Chief of Staff

About Scott Davis

Scott Davis joined the Department of Housing and Community Development in 2022. Mr. Davis has worked in city government since 2018, most recently as Director of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods. Prior to that he served as a neighborhood liaison in the Office of the Council President. 

Before working in city government, Mr. Davis taught Spanish with Baltimore County Public Schools, ran an after-school program in Southeast Baltimore, and served as a community aide for an Argentine Congresswoman. 

As Chief of Staff, Mr. Davis serves as an advisor to the Housing Commissioner and helps guide the work of the agency. He is committed to building equitable communities and creating a city where all Baltimoreans can live in clean, safe, and vibrant neighborhoods. He brings his background of community engagement and organizing to this role, and is focused on expanding community involvement and participation in the crucial work that DHCD does each and every day. 

Mr. Davis is a Goucher College graduate. He and his husband live in the Medfield neighborhood.